[SOLVED] Windows 11 PC is online but the web browsers will not load first page for about 20 seconds… Delayed internet browsage syndrome.

Hello beautiful peoples!

For quite a while now I have been experiencing this very weird issue with my machines…


  • My Windows 11 PCs were definitely 110% connected to the internet:

  • But when I started a browser no page would load for the first 20+ seconds. Browser looked like it was waiting for a DNS server reply.
  • Once the first page has loaded – all the rest of the pages would load instantly. Very sus…

So the search for a solution began…

At first – I blamed my pihole / unbound DNS server.

Then I considered that maybe my router was to blame.

But if any of that was the case I wouldn’t be able to ping domain names while the pages refused to load. That wasn’t it…

Then I started blaming Microsoft Edge.

As a troubleshooting steps I have tried:

  • disabling hardware acceleration,
  • clearing cached browsing data,
  • disabling all extensions

That did nothing… Nada. Zip. Zero. Big bobkas. Still the same issue.

Just to be sure – I tried some other browsers like Librewolf, Brave… and few others.

Problem persisted. Not the browser issue as far as I could tell…

Every now and then I had another “Uhhh maybe that’s it!” kind of moment but every single one of them ended in “Awww… Shucks.. 🥹.“. Until today that is.

I found a solution. As I suspected it has NOTHING to do with DNS server OR browser. Its Windows 11 setting… 😒😒😒

To fix this issue:

  • Click on start and start typing in a word “proxy”

  • Now click on “Proxy settings” button.

  • Now make sure that little switch next to “Automatically detect settings” is in “Off” position as shown below.

  • Close and re-open the browser of your choice.

Pages should now load instantaneously…

It took me quite a while to figure this one out… Longer than I care to admit.

I hope this helps!

Catch you on the flip side,


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“Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

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