[UPDATED] Plans have now changed. I _MAY_ not be going back to Pure Telecom after I switch to Vodafone.

EDIT / UPDATE: CLICK HERE AND READ! I… What Just Happened… I… Might Actually Get The Superfast Broadband… Tomorrow? Emotional Roller Coaster… đź’–Pure Telecom Again?

Hello beautiful peoples!

I am shocked. I cannot believe how today’s conversation with Pure Telecom went…

The last few days were definitely interesting. On Saturday Circet / Open eir technician refused to install my 1000mbps broadband. After that I rang Pure Telecom and the connection dropped twice. I got a callback where the gentleman told me “I am sending a note to another department. What will now happen is: First thing in the morning someone from our loyalty department will give you a call. We will try to figure out the best possible price for your VDSL broadband.

This sounded to me like “Ooops… We messed up. We should have known better. We cannot offer you a faster broadband – maybe we can at least make it slightly more bearable by MAYBE lowering the price of your current connection…” After the failed installation on Saturday I was depressed for about 24 hours. Very stressful time. I was told by my cardiologist to avoid stressful situations because of my heart condition. What happened in the last 72 hours did my heart absolutely no favours… I felt very ill on Saturday. I absolutely hate this situation but at least judging by what I have heard on Saturday they may try offer me a consolation… I was not hoping for a discount. I am a realist. I was hoping for “We are sorry…”. I was hoping for Pure Telecom to live up to my expectations…

Oh what an eye opener today has been. I have an eir customer service flashbacks. Yes it was THAT bad. Trust me… My expectations have not been met. NOT BY A LONG SHOT. To say that I am disappointed would be the understatement of the century. I felt almost as bad as on Saturday. I felt abandoned. I felt very alone in this whole situation. Loyalty department? Your definition of a word Loyalty is very different then mine. It is however it seems very similar to eir’s loyalty definition…

Lets start from the beginning…

Monday morning. I was waiting for the call from Pure Telecom loyalty department. And then I was waiting some more. Through the lunch time. And then after lunch time… and then some more… and around 15 30 I’ve decided to talk to them. I have visited their website, entered my details and started the chat app. Soon after I was joined by one of the reps. I have provided her with the account number and asked when should I expect the call from the loyalty department. “Why would they call you?”… and… “Why don’t YOU call them?”… was basically the gist. My jaw dropped to the floor and I dropped the chat like a hot potato and rang Pure Telecom.

I have a strong suspicion that the rep on the phone was the exact same person that I spoke on the chat with. Same name. Similar “what do you want” attitude. Basically she knew NOTHING about the events of the last two weeks. I described the situation to her. I asked her 2 questions. “I was promised a call on Monday. Why did nobody rang me today so far?” and “How comes You (Pure Telecom) sent a technician to my house knowing that he won’t be able to dig the conduit for the fibre? How did you think he was going to install the fibre cable?”.

I was told that they never received any note from anyone on Saturday🤬. I said that the rep promised me that they will call me with the best possible offer for the VDSL broadband. I was told that I am under contract with them till the end of the year. Price is €35 per month. Why would they offer me anything else? I felt like someone slapped me in the face. This behaviour… I would expect that from eir and not from my beloved ISP… I chose them because they are small. I chose them because I don’t have to wait Cat knows how long on hold to get to them. I chose them because they did not make me feel like a piece of shit… Past tense. After a conversation I had with them today that’s exactly how I felt… and that’s not even close to being done…

Next I was also told that its not their problem that my conduit was blocked. I tried patiently explain that there was no blockage. I tried patiently explain that during the previous call with the sales team I told them that the broadband is available in the chamber outside. Not at my house yet. They knew there was no conduit. Basically what I was told “We are not paying for unblocking your conduit.” and when I finally got thru to her and told her that there is no conduit and one needs to be dug… I was told “We are not paying for that either.”

I then asked HOW is the technician going to pull the fibre cable to my house and I was told “Hire a local building crew and get them to connect You.”. I started laughing… at this point I was going slightly mad… Who the fuck am I? Bob the builder? Where do I get the local building crew from? What does the bunch of builders knows about your infrastructure and fibre connections? I did not say that out loud. I tried to keep my cool. There was not a moment during the conversation that I regret. I was not rude even once. Its those moments of rudeness that I seem to regret the most after the conversation. I keep playing them out inside my head. This time – I have no regrets.

At this point I stated that I chose Pure Telecom because I was sick and tired of how eir treated me and I basically said that I will not put up with Pure Telecom giving me the same crap as eir did. I also said that my plan was to stay with Pure till January 2025. Switch to Vodafone for a year (to get a free connection to the fibre line – because Vodafone pays Circet for digging the conduit) and then get re-connected to Pure as their customer again. “Oh yeah. You could do that. They can do it for you.” I heard in response… Another slap in the face… Like I needed her permission to do this… Anyway. I then added that after today’s events – I am considering staying with Vodafone after the installation because I am not happy with Pure Telecom anymore. “That’s your right.” I was told basically… To me this sounds like “You want to leave? Leave. Fuck off. Door is right there. Don’t let it slap you on the arse on your way out.”. This is not the right attitude… especially after a fuck up like you did on Saturday. Especially from a smaller ISP that will bankrupt soon if they keep insulting their customers…

We spoke for a while after that and I tried to reason with this person. Tried to explain how bizarre and uncomfortable this conversation is for me. That they promised me something, did not delivered and then basically tried to blame me for it AND left me hanging high and dry… She apologized. Sounded sincere but then so was the guy that told me to wait for the call on Monday…

The rep told me she is posting a free-post return label for the router that I have received. By the end of the conversation we have reached a certain level of understanding… I was promised that situation will be put in front of the management and that they will listen to the conversations from Saturday and that they will figure out exactly what happened and why nobody was informed to call me on Monday… The rep also told me it was not her intentions to upset me. I explained that I do not blame her for this mess. She is not responsible. I also said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions… and funnily enough – it was not my intention to ruin her day. I regret I did not recorded the conversation… I would love to be able to give you a full transcript of what has transpired…

If You read my previous posts OR if you ever spoke to me in person I would have sworn by the Pure Telecom. I would have told You to switch to them immediately. To drop whoever you’re with and switch to Pure Telecom… Today my answer would be sooo different…

Don’t get me wrong… I am not planning on going back to eir. For some reason I am avoiding sky like the plague. I don’t know why. Gut feeling… I will switch to Vodafone at some stage next year and then I MIGHT switch back to Pure Telecom but I am going to think long and hard before I do that…

No matter how big or small or how friendly and nice the companies are – one thing is for sure. Its all about money for them. No company is a friend of yours. They will treat you nice until you sign up with them and then they don’t give a shit about you anymore…

Anyway… Pure Telecom – I am looking closely at you…

  • You failed to provide me with the 1000mbps fibre broadband
  • You failed to inform me of your limitations with the broadband installation
  • I felt alone during the whole experience on Saturday
  • You promised to call me and then basically pissed on me and walked away…
  • You offered me no consolation after a massive disappointment…
  • You tried to blame me for your own shortcomings… blocked conduit my arse…
  • You told me that I should get my own building crew to connect me to the fibre chamber
  • The whole conversation was like a big flashback to the times that I was a customer of eir
  • I have lost my faith in you guys. I was extremely disappointed on Saturday. Today… it got so much worse…

How is your ISP? Let me know in the comments.

Catch you on the flip side,


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“Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

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