Hello beautiful peoples!

I am enjoying the Amazon Prime subscription and some of its benefits like a free shipping on Prime items and Prime Videos Movies and Series BUT… nothing in this life is perfect. I find it really annoying when right after a movie or an episode this “Next Up” little badge pops up.

I don’t know why it bothers me – it just does. I wanted it gone. Here is how I did it.
On my browser of choice I have installed uBlock Origin extension. Its also available for Chrome, Firefox and many other modern browsers.
After installation I clicked on extensions icon in the browsers toolbar and then on the
icon next to
. See how the little line that was going across that icon is gone now? This makes sure that the extension is visible in the browsers toolbar now. See
? Good.
Right click on that icon and chose
from the dropdown menu.
Now click on tab in the option window.
Now copy this code snippet:
! Amazon Prime Next Up popup
! Amazon Prime Next Up popup
And paste it in this tab so it looks like this:

Now click on button and restart the browser.
Next time when you’re watching movies on Prime Video that pesky little “Next Up” badge shouldn’t bother you no more…
I hope this helps!
Catch you on the flip side,
P.S. Fair warning: uBlock Origin is an AD blocker. It blocks some elements of the websites. Its usually very good but sometimes IT MAY break a website functionality. IF it happens its very easy to disable uBlock Origin FOR THIS SPECIFIC SITE only and keep it working for the rest of them.
To disable uBlock Origin on a site just click on icon in the browser’s toolbar, then click
icon and watch it change colour
. Now click on
to reload the page. Now uBlock Origin no longer will block any elements on this page but it will block unwanted elements on other pages that you visit. Including Youtube…