Hello beautiful peoples!

I love mc / mcedit. At some stage of my life that was my favourite file manager and text editor and so much more… Its still one of the very first things I install on a fresh distro installation. Maybe because I started my adventure with PCs in late 1980’s. First machine I had access to was running DOS and the owner of the PC had Norton Commander installed. That’s one of the first things I learned to use…
When You’re using mc / mcedit the keyboard shortcut to close it is F10 but in Ubuntu (one example) it will not work. Its because in Terminal in Ubuntu F10 is used as Menu Accelerator toggle. To make it work in mc / mcedit again all You need to do is:
Click on the Terminal burger menu:

Click on Preferences:

Untick this option in Preferences:

Close preferences window.
From now on F10 will work in mc / mcedit as expected.
I hope this helps!
Catch you on the flip side,