(UPDATED) I… What Just Happened… I… Might Actually Get The Superfast Broadband… Tomorrow? Emotional Roller Coaster… 💖Pure Telecom Again?


Hello beautiful peoples!

I hate drama… If You read my blog You will know that I will rant on the occasion and post a howto every now and then but I usually do not blog all that much. And yet here is ANOTHER post within the last several days… What the heck right?

This is unusual. This is unexpected. This is out of the ordinary… BUT SO WAS MY MORNING…

I was learning python coding till maybe 4 in the morning before my brain finally gave in and decided I should go to bed now.

I woke up at 8 and started my day just like every day.

First morning routine. Then some house chores. Then I looked in at some projects. I had a chat with my favourite plant… Habanero Pepper plant.

You know… The usual insanity…

Then started updating Microsoft Windows machines. Started getting stuff ready for dinner at 13:00. I like to get it done first thing and then just start cooking with the wife around 12:30ish…

Just before 10 my phone rang… “Scammer” I thought… and answered ready to hang up. No. Not scammer. A gentleman from Pure Telecom. Calling to talk about the events from Saturday. I had to finish one project and I was free to talk to him.

First of all… That Lady that I spoke to on Monday – she meant what she said. She promised me that my case will be reviewed by the management AND IT WAS. Pat on the back. Good person yourself. Fair play! Usually in the past when I heard “I will escalate this issue to the technical (or management) department I knew that the person that I spoke to has no idea how to help me and is trying to end the call soon. They will now put me on hold to reply / speak to another customer while pretending to write a message to the “technical department”… 😉

The conversation started by quickly re-capping the most recent events. Correcting some discrepancies. Basically we spoke about what happened. I told him the story. He asked some additional questions. I answered those. Then he explained some of the technical details and informed me that as a small company Pure Telecom, in the past, paid for the installation HOWEVER – in Ireland customers can order a service and then cancel it within 14 days of installation. What happens then is the Service Provider eats the cost of installation… Up to €500… Ouch. Imagine few customers like that and you get a nice knuckle sandwich right in the face. I assume a blow like that could be disastrous for their future. Honesty. My favourite policy. No BS. Fair play. That’s the Pure Telecom that I want to recommend to people. That’s the forthcoming and honest customer service that I am used to with them… Kudos my man.

Since this guy was honest and forthcoming I told him the Cat’s honest truth. I switched to Pure Telecom BECAUSE they are small. I switched to Pure because I was sick and tired of the big companies that simply DO NOT care… Also I mentioned that I understand it does not look great during the sales pitch to tell the customers that You may not be able to install the cables on their property – however in this case there was no sales pitch. I was excited. I was ready. I rang Pure Telecom. Letting me know in advance would save me a whole lot of expectations and a whole lot of disappointment. A whole lot of grief. I was told that they usually talk to the customers about the problems with installation when they run into them. “Cross that bridge when we get to it”. I prefer to predict the issues and work proactively rather than react to situations when they occur – but this policy is basically what Ireland is built upon. I will admit that I could have asked about the process and possibly figure this out myself – its just I was excited. I was VERY excited… I only started worrying about the installation details after I rang Pure Telecom and already agreed about with all the installation details… Sometimes my ability to predict issues gets clouded… especially when I get excited… and I GOT VERY EXCITED…

We have then discussed my phone call from Monday. Things that did not sit well with me etc. He reacted to some of the things that were said to me. I asked to not to pursue any of the possible consequences. When I was writing down the events of Monday I made a point to underline the fact that by the end of the conversation we were on the same page and the conversation ended on good terms.

We then started discussing my options for the future. I was told that indeed I could try switching to lets say vodafone for a year. But then he had an idea and he looked up my eircode with Siro network. First time I hear about them… But what I was told there are two major networks in Ireland. KN Network and also ESB Network. I was told ITS A FIBRE NETWORK. Its the exactly same network and speeds as the KN Network but its managed by ESB Network. AND THEN I was offered an appointment (provisional) with Siro technician for TOMORROW MORNING?! YEEEEHAW! LET’S GO MY DUDE. I was told that IT may get cancelled but IF I receive a text message from them within the next hour – I am confirmed…

We then spoke for another 10 minutes. I asked to be put on hold while this gentleman was checking pricing for me. We agreed at €40 per month for the first 12 months. And €65 after that. Unless I call them and get another 12 months contract. They may offer me a better price then. I was also provided with the means to get in touch with this guy. Now that is what I call a customer service. I was spoon-fed hand-held and burped at the end. Great guy. IF everything goes alright tomorrow this guy will join the hall of my personal heroes… I was told that someone from Siro will contact me. Then we spoke about few technical details and I was told to call if I needed any help. My Brother in Christ… Let me tell you… Customer care – first class skills. 👏

And not 5 minutes after thje conversation ended I received this:

I was positively gobsmacked. I got very excited. My wife had to bring me down a bit because IF anything goes wrong tomorrow – I need to have realistic expectations. I don’t want the repeat of “great Saturday depression”. She keeps me grounded so that I don’t fly away. That’s why I love her… “Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.” is a good policy in life. Its just I was excited. I was VERY excited… I know… History. Repeat. Something something…

At 14:30 I got a call again… Uh I am popular today 😉… This time it was a lady from Siro network confirming the appointment. She asked if someone over 18 will be at home in the morning and if we recently had any Covid-19 cases. I said that I will be at home and that I am over 18 for a very long time, and that we had no Covid-19 so far. I said that I do have a heart issues but they are not contagious 😁. She then enquired if I was ok with drilling and cabling. Just to be safe I explained briefly the layout of the apartment entry. She said it shouldn’t be a problem for their technician and that I can discuss any options with him tomorrow. She asked about insulation. I said there is none. She said that everything is now booked and confirmed and that the technician will ring me from an Irish mobile number to re-re-confirm… Great!

I did not have to wait long. Just after 16:00 I got another call… WOW… Imma VIP 🥹. Technician from Siro. Calling to inform me he will be here at 8:00 tomorrow (Friday, 27th 2024)…

Busy day. Lots of phone calls. Possibly a fast internet tomorrow morning? Feels like my birthday… but its not… Its better… FIBRE BABY! YEEEEEHAW! LET’S GO!

I told about it to my friend and he basically told me: “We need to change your name to Roller Coaster…”

How is your day going? Any Roller Coasters in Your life? I hope its all positive. Let me know in the comments.

Catch you on the flip side,


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“Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

One Comment:

  1. Pingback: [UPDATED] Plans have now changed. I _MAY_ not be going back to Pure Telecom after I switch to Vodafone. - Andrzej Langowski

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