Hello beautiful peoples!

Over the past few years I have purchased and rented a fair share of movies on YouTube…

Whether You share my taste in Movies or You find my choices abhorrent is irrelevant. Definitely do not leave me any comments about that…😈😏 One thing however is obvious while looking at my list. I prefer the HD versions of the movies… Rented or purchased – makes no difference. IF I can afford the HD version I will get one.
Just because I will PAY for it however is NOT a guarantee that I will actually be able to watch a HD version…
One might ask… Oh? Wait… How comes?
Good question. I asked myself exactly that… I paid for a HD movie. I am opening YouTube.com in a browser on my PC and going to . I can see a list of all the movies available to me. I click on the one the video that I want to watch and… I am losing a will to live because of the poor quality of the movie.

This particular screenshot as You can see comes from movie “The Batman” which as You can see on my list above I have purchased in a UHD version…
But then… On my iPhone 13 Pro Max in the YouTube app that quality limitation is NOT a thing.

I can watch the movie on my 32″ AOC 1440p screen in 480p OR on my 7″ iPhone screen in 1080p… What the heck? The 1080p resolution is not going to be available on my bigger screen… Why?
So… I reported an issue:
And I got a reply:
Due to licensing agreements with studios, HD streaming is restricted to approved devices. Not all movies can be viewed in HD on computers, even if you purchased the HD version. When HD isn’t available on computers, “HD viewing isn’t available on web browsers” message will indicate this on the purchase page, and videos will play in SD instead. Supported devices still allow HD viewing.
I don’t remember ever seeing the above mentioned warning when purchasing any of those movies. Small print perhaps? I don’t know. I know one thing though… Feels like I am being bamboozled… Feels like false advertisement. Feels like I am being scammed…
Did you had similar experience? Does this pisses You off? Do You feel frustrated and ripped off?
You are not alone. A lot of us do. Let me know in the comments. I hope this helps!
Catch you on the flip side,