Hello beautiful peoples!

Sometime ago I have received a leaflet from eir Ireland stating that there is a very fast broadband available in my area. I mean VERY fast. 1000mbps fast.
The very same day I rang my internet provider Pure Telecom. I switched my account from a “VDSL” Fibre Broadband to a proper “Fibre” Fibre Broadband. We agreed on a price. Soon after that I got a text basically stating “Technician will install fibre at your house on Monday 24th June between 9 am and 5 pm”. Heck yeah… Can’t wait. Great!
Few days later I have received a new router via An-Post. Awesome. Fantastic. Wonderful!
Couple of days later I get a call from a “Open eir” (I think that’s the name) company appointment department. They drive those “Circet” and “KN Group” vans in Ireland. Those are the guys that come to your home and install the wires (inside and outside) and the sockets for your broadband.
Basically they said: “We have a cancellation on Saturday the 22nd. Could we send a technician to your house 2 days earlier?”. Of course I said yes. I was yearning for them faster download and upload speeds.
Today is Saturday. Today I know that I will not be getting my fibre internet connected anytime soon. Why?
The technician stated at first that the closest electrical socket is upstairs and he can only provide maximum of 5 meters of fibre cable inside the house. 5 meters is not long enough to reach the electrical socket. I tried to pay him to extend the maximum length of the cable. No. That was the first sign of things going very very wrong…
Next thing he said he was not allowed to work on roofs and he was not allowed to run the fibre cable via attic in my house either. That was the only viable path to get the fibre cable close to the electrical socket. No insurance coverage for that.
Next thing that he said was the final nail in the broadband coffin. “Are you going with eir or vodafone or sky…?” I told him that Pure Telecom was my ISP. He said that I am going to be “in a spot of bother” because he works for a third party company and they do installs for eir and vodafone and sky and Pure Telecom BUT Pure Telecom is one of the companies that don’t pay them for digging so he would not be able to get to the conduit that runs under the ground and to actually pull the cable from the fibre chamber to my house. The only way of him actually being able to do it is IF I switched to one of the BIG providers…
Enough to say that the dream of the fast internet is dead for now and that the weekend is ruined.
In the future I need to do few things:
- Get an electrical socket installed by the doors (€200+)
- Run a conduit and a network cable next to that electrical socket (more €…)
- Switch from Pure Telecom to the Vodafone for a period of 12 months

- Get the fibre installed
- Switch back to Pure Telecom
- Alternatively move to a different address where there already is a fibre cable running inside the house
I wanted to get the electrical socket installed by the main doors anyway as I wanted to install a DVR box and one of those dome-like 4K cameras to overlook the driveway… What’s another year of waiting I guess…
Anyway – I had a gut feeling the world will screw me over again. Hunch you may call it. I was worried about the installation since the very first moment I rang Pure Telecom. I was telling my friends about it… I was readying myself up for this and yet this whole situation has me rattled. At the moment I am extremely angry. Not feeling very good at all. My stomach is upset. My heart is pounding. I react to human contact by growling and barking… Welcome to Ireland and have a nice day…
Just to be clear… I don’t blame Pure Telecom. I mean… Not really… but yet I kind of do? Its a stupid situation. They knew that I never had “fibre” fibre installed. As in… The fibre cable was not physically pulled from the chamber via conduit and installed inside my house. Its available IN the chamber BUT not in my house yet… They knew that Pure Telecom does not pay the Open eir for digging… What were they thinking saying yes to me and then sending a technician to install the fibre in my house? That he will break into tears and install the fibre cable via the conduit out of the goodness of his heart? For free? How did they think I will react when it will INEVITABLY turn to excrement? Because knowing all this… – there is no other outcome of this whole situation.
I mean open eir rang me to ask to expedite the installation and during the call they did not asked about this… They asked about building insulation because they cannot install the fibre if there is a insulation on the building… but they never said anything about cable length limitation… They know who was placing the order. They knew they could not dig for Pure Telecom… Did they do it just so that the open eir technician could ask me “So are you going to switch to eir or vodafone or sky?”… Because he did…
Anyway… I rang Pure Telecom. I spoke to 2 representatives. There was no need for me to decapitate anyone as I knew that the person on the other side of the phone was not the one that messed up. I was doing my best to stay polite. It was difficult but I didn’t do to bad especially if you take under the consideration the fact that after I explained what happened to the first rep and she told me she is transferring my call to another department the call got dropped… and I had to ring them again. Waste money telling them the same story again and reliving this whole situation AGAIN… and then the call dropped again. This time I did not rang them. I was going to send them an e-mail but they actually rang me back. On Monday I will receive a call from their Loyalty Department. I will be staying with my previous “VDSL” account. And they will try figuring out the best possible price for me.
A friend of mine asked me to ask them IF open eir is the only company they use for installations. Maybe… JUST MAYBE they do not use open eir for “new line installations”… MAYBE they use another company… Its a hail Mary but I will ask them…
Its hard to describe how badly pissed off I am. It has been a while since I was this disappointed with something. I believe I was still working last time it happened. Its going to take me a while to deal with all this but at this particular moment I have a date. In bed. Love triangle with depression and a tub of chocolate ice cream… No cat unfortunately. I start to understand this is never going to happen for me…
Catch you on the flip side,
P.S. Edit: 6 hours later I still feel depressed. Also I feel angry and in the same time weak and shaky with a weird stomach sensation and abnormal heart rhythm and speed. I felt fine before the event. Excited. Energised. Fresh. Funky. Not anymore.
Also… I am wondering what the rule of “maximum 5 meters of cable inside the house” is about… Is this the fibre cable cost? Its a XXI century… Fibre in wholesale is cheap… so wtf? I tried paying him for the cable and he would not take it… so WTF? Signal strength would be a problem? ITS A FIBRE. I doubt that… so WTAF?
Pingback: Plans have now changed. I _MAY_ not be going back to Pure Telecom after I switch to Vodafone. - Andrzej Langowski